Wednesday, June 26, 2019

3 years of love

Our church has a small seminary with a three year cohort.  At some point, I decided that I was going to make a quilt and lovie for each seminary baby.  This seemed like a great, easily sustainable idea.  I love the seminary wives and faithfully pray for them.  At first there weren't that many wives...or that many babies.  It didn't occur to me that there would be a baby BOOM near graduation.  Man, have I been busy!  But, really, I'm not complaining...I love sewing and these babies and their families.  I'm so excited for how God is going to use them as they go out into the world...and move away...sniff sniff.
 This owl is made from the pocket of corduroy pants.
 This is a bear.  The quilt had gray bears.  But, my son says this looks like a sloth.
 This is a go with a doggie quilt.  It's also partially curduroy.
 This was a very special llama for a couple who are both MK's.  I like this llama so much I might make one for myself sometime.
 This owl was scope creep, as my husband calls it when I go off task.  He was for a pastor's fourth child because I wanted sew, the baby was so stinking cute and I figured fourth babies probably don't get many handmade gifts.
 This was for a baby in our Faith Group.  I love this fabric!!
 This is a hedgehog...turned out WAY harder to make than I anticipated.  He's made from the shoulder of a sweater I found.  I made dreads outta snipped up, felted sweater.
 A turtle...neck and body from felted sweater.
 A fox...with a tie for a tail.
And my favorite, a cactus...for a sweet couple who lived in Las Vegas before seminary and used to go cactus hunting.

I'm working on my final quilt and lovie before graduation Saturday.  It's also something unusual I've never tried to come!

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