Friday, June 4, 2021

Five Minutes of Slow



After a season that was absolute, full out sprint....God gave me slow.  Not a full stop...but certainly a decided stroll.  

He knew I needed lean even harder into Him.  There was an adrenaline rush to the fast...a no nonsense clarity to the, "I can't do this and I need you Jesus... a "I am weak and You are strong"...a "gather yourself and RUN"...

So, in ways the slow held hard lessons...quiet, waiting, lonely.  And...I found in it a chance to dwell await His perfect timing and to see His ways are always best.  To again renew and embrace being a helper to my husband...who needed me to go slow and care for his injured back...and a time to embrace my kids who needed me to go slow...listen and love.  

And now as things begin to gather...the old, familiar busy days of summer activity...the slow, abiding remains...the love for an early morning of slow...and the rich, abiding.  God continues to give opportunities to trust Him more.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful capturing of slow and God's great provision!