1. Last thing you said yes to? Did you regret it?
I agreed to host a shower that I probably should have thrown myself. Now I'm essentially a venue for an inexperienced hostess. I'm trying hard to be mature and flexible and not lose my mind. I regret not offering to take it over...or throw a separate party but regrets don't mean much...time to paste on my smile and fix my heart and go love my people.
2. No big deal, no contest, no dice, no hard feelings, no ifs ands or buts, no kidding, no offense, no pain no gain, no way...choose one and tell us how it applies to your life currently.
No dice...I not that this is used to mean 'no deal'...but, I'm thinking about how happy I am that the sweet friend that we've been having over for Taco Tuesday since her hubby's passing is able to come over again in person since virtual Taco Tuesday is tricky and we were all tired of dice games. We discovered that if we all had the same amount of dice we could play almost any dice game via Zoom...Yahtzee being the favorite. So glad! So there, NO DICE, Covid!
3. Thursday June 11th is National Making Life Beautiful Day...in this strange season how are you adding beauty to your days/life?
The garden is looking beautiful...and I'm managing to keep a hanging plant alive for the first time in a long time. I think working on our attitudes and loving each other well is the best way to make days more beautiful though.
4. According to an article found here, these six foods taste better in June than at any other time of the year-strawberries, asparagus, peas, peaches, beets, and garlic. How many of these have you tasted so far this month? Anything on the list you'd say 'no thank you' to trying? Rearrange the list starting with your favorite (1) to your least favorite (6).
Peaches-I have made two peach pies so far this month!
Strawberries-I can't seem to get into a field to pick because the demand is crazy and they are letting high risk into fields first and then getting stripped clean by noon. It's a bummer. Maybe I'll have luck at the farmers market. Probably won't get enough to make freezer jam this year.
Peas-I love fresh peas but I rarely buy them. As a little girl I grew them with my grandma in the summertimes I spent with her.
Asparagus- I love them grilled but haven't seen any good bunches yet. It's a bit early yet.
Garlic- I use garlic in almost everything I can! (I tried to rate these from 1-6 but I really love them all). I am thinking of buying some tails from a friend for a stir-fry.
Beets- pickled beets! Yum! This year I haven't had any yet...still too early but I did have kombucha with beet and cayenne from a friend. It was amazing!
5. Describe your current mood in three words.
Tired. Busy. Introspective.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
I finally started the final phase of counseling certification two weeks ago. It has been as hard as I thought in most ways and I'm glad I stepped out of many things to make space. In some ways it's been more encouraging and exciting than I thought though. I wish I could turn off my brain at night though...it just keeps going and going. It's going to be a long haul. I'm at the bottom of a mountain looking up...wondering if I have what it takes.
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Farkle Hodgepodge
1. Ever played the game Farkle? Are you a risk taker? In games only or also in life?
Yes, we have played the game Farkle. I think there's a few versions of it too...one called Spicy Farkle. Our family is very into board games. I am not a gaming risk taker, per se. If I get to the point where I recognize I can't win I will work to make it more difficult for the leading player though. I'm not a risk taker in life, either. I like the saying "I love spontaneous activities, provided they are carefully planned."
2. What's your favorite thing about your yard or whatever outdoor space you may have?
I miss the screened porch we had at our old house. I enjoy the little porch seating area on our front porch here...especially when we have the flag hung because it makes a shaded, secret place to read.
3. Tell us about the most interesting building you've seen or been in.
When I travelled to Scotland with my grandparents I saw some old castles that were very interesting. My cousin and I were especially intrigued with the "bathrooms"....holes in the walls that went straight down to the moat. Never really had the same images of castles in my mind after that...hahaha.
4. In this current season of social distancing, what's something you've come to realize you take for granted in more ordinary times? Do you think you'll make a conscious effort to appreciate whatever that 'it' is once normal life resumes?
I took for granted hugging people. In fact, I had to work at remembering who wasn't "a hugger" in my social circle. I feel sad to think I may not be able to just grab and hug those I love again as I greet them and bring them into my home. "New Normal" is a term I'm not enjoying.
5. Share a favorite song with a springtime flower in the lyrics somewhere.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
One of my dear friends met her Savior yesterday, face to face. She was a MAF pilot in Papua. She was a bright light for Jesus and our family will be missing her very much. This is one of the last pictures she sent to us. She was so full of joy to be there after years of training and language school. Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Super Hodgepodge!
1. Expect the unexpected on From This Side of the Pond. Here's my x-ray question...when was the last time you felt like Superman? What's your superpower? Explain.
Sometimes after I exercise I feel very strong and super. Sometimes after I bake bread or make laundry detergent I feel very industrious and that's as close to super as I get, I think.
2. Are you a fan of the 'superhero' type movies? If so what's your favorite?
I am not a fan. I do watch them with my husband sometimes. I find them very intense/stressful and have to watch something happy afterwards or I can't rest. I like The Incredibles. I know that's animated but it should count.
3. Have you postponed or cancelled a trip to the dentist in recent weeks, and if so when do you think you'll feel comfortable going back? How about other routine medical procedures?
I had just seen the dentist before all of this so I'm good for a while. I'll try to not eat sugary things or open things with my teeth. I am having an allergic reaction and am attempting another virtual meeting next week with an allergist. I am hoping for a blood draw order since they can't do the scratch test.
4. What's something that makes you feel youthful? Something that makes you feel 'not so youthful'? Tell us why.
When I exercise I feel healthy and youthful. When I learn new technology or use it like a pro I feel youthful. I spend a lot of time mentoring college students...when I realized that many of this years seniors were born the year I graduated from high school I did not feel so youthful. When I need help/instruction with technology I feel not so youthful. My face, currently in a state of allergic reaction rash, is not making me feel so youthful either.
5. I feel compelled to include some sort of corona related question in the HP these days. What's the strangest thing you've seen in relation to the virus? Something that really struck you as odd, made you stop and think, 'Dorothy we're not in Kansas anymore?'
I dread the grocery store. How people, even with masks and socially distanced, won't make friendly eye contact or greet one another. You can feel the fear. The X marks the spot all over the floors. All the masked faces.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
I am finishing up a baby quilt binding this week. I am also finishing up rewrites for my counseling exams. I also finished a book for one of the groups I'm leading...and I think I started 3 to take it's place. I am on a bland diet in an effort to calm this allergy. I went from prednisone last week (zipping around like an espresso fiend) to benedryl this week (sloth like efficiency).
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Hodgepodge Quietude
1. What's something you resolved to do this year? Have you done it?
I have resolved to keep more organized with reading and sewing. I think I've done better than in past years. I haven't met some goals because very obviously, life has changed. I ended up making 50 plus masks and that certainly wasn't on my radar. I also resolved to eat less carbs and exercise more consistently. I have not consistently done this...but I'm back on track this week.
2. Where do you go to find quietude?
I have made my sewing room a place of quietude. I hauled a rocking chair and all my devotional/reading stuff up there, and a place to set my drink. I used to spend my morning in the study but my Loverbrains started working in that space so I couldn't concentrate and it was not quiet or peaceful. But, the items in the sewing room, the fact that I can close the door, open the window and listen to the birds, listen to any music I want, and concentrate on reading, helps me find peace in the chaos.
3. A friend asked this question on her Facebook page and said I could borrow it for the Hodgepodge...you're only allowed to buy 5 things at the grocery store, and all must start with the first letter of your first name. Whatcha' buying?
1. Bubbles (for the kids to play with...you're never too old)
2. Beans (coffee)
3. Beans (pinto)
4. Beans (jelly)
5. Bengal Tea (my favorite tea, helps me with my quietude)
4. The television show Survivor, the Gloria Gaynor song 'I Will Survive', survival mode, survival of the fittest...pick one and discuss.
Survival mode. I tend to have way impractical expectations. Turns out even for quarantine. I had to readjust this week...for the wellbeing and happiness of my marriage and family. In many ways we are in survival mode for the rest of the school year, for meals, for what quality time looks like. This means that screen time is longer than I'd generally prefer. This means we need space from each other more than we need time together on some days. We need to survive and there's no special formula for what this looks like right now.
5. Share a favorite quote or saying about strength.
"Our anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strengths." ~Charles Spurgeon
"Life's storms prove the strength of our Anchor."
"David didn't need to know Goliath's strength, because he already knew God's."
6. Insert your own random thought here.
I am pushing myself to work on my counseling exam rewrites. They are due by June and I only find anxiety in procrastination. I have decided to use the time my children are working on remote learning to focus on this. I find it very tedious. I have to cross through what I've written and rewrite in red which is boggling for my eyes and mind. Ready for this part of certification to be over.
I have resolved to keep more organized with reading and sewing. I think I've done better than in past years. I haven't met some goals because very obviously, life has changed. I ended up making 50 plus masks and that certainly wasn't on my radar. I also resolved to eat less carbs and exercise more consistently. I have not consistently done this...but I'm back on track this week.
2. Where do you go to find quietude?
I have made my sewing room a place of quietude. I hauled a rocking chair and all my devotional/reading stuff up there, and a place to set my drink. I used to spend my morning in the study but my Loverbrains started working in that space so I couldn't concentrate and it was not quiet or peaceful. But, the items in the sewing room, the fact that I can close the door, open the window and listen to the birds, listen to any music I want, and concentrate on reading, helps me find peace in the chaos.
3. A friend asked this question on her Facebook page and said I could borrow it for the Hodgepodge...you're only allowed to buy 5 things at the grocery store, and all must start with the first letter of your first name. Whatcha' buying?
1. Bubbles (for the kids to play with...you're never too old)
2. Beans (coffee)
3. Beans (pinto)
4. Beans (jelly)
5. Bengal Tea (my favorite tea, helps me with my quietude)
4. The television show Survivor, the Gloria Gaynor song 'I Will Survive', survival mode, survival of the fittest...pick one and discuss.
Survival mode. I tend to have way impractical expectations. Turns out even for quarantine. I had to readjust this week...for the wellbeing and happiness of my marriage and family. In many ways we are in survival mode for the rest of the school year, for meals, for what quality time looks like. This means that screen time is longer than I'd generally prefer. This means we need space from each other more than we need time together on some days. We need to survive and there's no special formula for what this looks like right now.
5. Share a favorite quote or saying about strength.
"Our anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strengths." ~Charles Spurgeon
"Life's storms prove the strength of our Anchor."
"David didn't need to know Goliath's strength, because he already knew God's."
6. Insert your own random thought here.
I am pushing myself to work on my counseling exam rewrites. They are due by June and I only find anxiety in procrastination. I have decided to use the time my children are working on remote learning to focus on this. I find it very tedious. I have to cross through what I've written and rewrite in red which is boggling for my eyes and mind. Ready for this part of certification to be over.
Thursday, April 16, 2020
#AtoZ Challenge: Impossible, Just, Kind, Loneliness & Mighty
Challenge Accepted: Letters I, J, K, L & M!
I love this hymn. It is so encouraging to my soul!
But Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26
‘Ah, Lord GOD! It is you who have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and by your outstretched arm! Nothing is too hard for you." Jeremiah 32:17
Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why the unease within me? Put your hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him, my Savior and my God. Psalm 42:11
I am so thankful for these Truths. On days when I feel so overwhelmed with how life has changed and I'm tempted to worry about the future ahead, I'm thankful for a firm foundation for my feet as I continually place my Hope in God.
“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.” Matthew 7:24-27
This year I have been studying God's Attributes with a group of lovely college girls. It is amazing and encouraging to repeatedly see how He is Perfect in each attribute, how they all go together and don't contradict each other. It is hard to wrap our finite minds around but He is Infinite, Immutable, Just, Wise, All-Knowing, All-Powerful, Everywhere Present, Love, Good. Praise Him!
I have been struck especially with God's incredible patience and kindness to me during this time. Oh, what a petulant child I can be...and He is ever the Perfect Parent. He lovingly deals with my loneliness and confusion. He reminds me of Himself through His Word. He has given me a godly, loving husband to lead me and has provided for my every need. He has surrounded me with Christian friends, the Church, who lift me up in prayer and hold me accountable to live out my faith and walk in the Way.
Right now I am spending a lot of time in Psalm 34 and Psalm 91... My God is so big, so strong and so Mighty...there's nothing my God cannot do.
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say to the LORD, “My refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust.” Psalm 91:1-2
I will bless the LORD at all times;
his praise shall continually be in my mouth.
My soul makes its boast in the LORD;
let the humble hear and be glad.
Oh, magnify the LORD with me,
and let us exalt his name together!
I sought the LORD, and he answered me
and delivered me from all my fears.
Psalm 34:1-4
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Wednesday Hodgepodge
1. In Monday’s post I mentioned I would incorporate the word I was given for letter K into this week’s questions. That word was karaoke. On a scale of 1-10 how excited would you be to find out there was karaoke happening at your next gathering/outing with friends? 10=gimme that microphone!, and 1=I suddenly remembered there’s somewhere else I need to be. Have you ever actually done karaoke? If you had to perform karaoke what would be your ‘go-to’song?
I don't know that I'm a fan of karaoke but I've never examined why until now. I guess, I feel that it's silly and because I actually sing at church, weddings and funerals, the comparison is too hard. But, I haven't had many opportunities to try it so I don't want to knock it too hard. I enjoy singing along and harmonizing to my favorite songs at home so I might like it, I suppose...but I think I'd tend toward taking it all too seriously.
2. How do you listen to music these days? Favorite app or do you listen the old fashioned way? Do you have music playing often in your home? Is there still a CD player in your car?
I listen to music primarily through Amazon Music. I have created some playlists so I just tell Siri or Alexa to play My Exercise Jams and she does. I have finally learned to take all my many CDs and make them MP3s...but I never seem to have the time to scan more than one or two. And no, I don't have more time now. I have a lovely new vehicle but when we got it I almost turned around and took it back because despite it's many bells and whistles it has no CD player. This is what has pushed me to scan and embrace streaming...because my car can play those with ease. I have to say when I get it all done it will be easy and fabulous.
3. The HP lands on US tax day this year. Or what used to be tax day before everything including filing your taxes was cancelled, delayed, postponed or extended. FYI- filing your taxes has not been cancelled, only delayed for a bit.
Besides staying away from anyone and everyone, what have you found taxing lately?
Being close to everyone in my home for a loooonnngg time has been taxing to me. Please don't give me a lecture on how we're safe at home and there are opportunities for bonding. I know there are and you're right but some days...'Calgon, take me away.' I did come up with a way for my Loverbrains to indicate when he was available or not, since his work from home schedule seems so constant. This little El Ed wifey gave him a red and green post-it to stick on his laptop. Works wonderfully! Most days the kids are doing well with the remote learning but occasionally we still have frustration and tears. I have to say their teachers have been going the extra mile plus 5 to help them succeed.
4. You’re without power so no oven, and you can’t open your frig or freezer in order to keep what’s in there from spoiling. And you don’t have access to take out. What will you make us for dinner?
PB & J? Tuna from the can? Dry cereal?? Boy, that's tough. I mean, I'd open that freezer (really fast) and yank out the ice cream. Hahahaha!
5. I’ve seen this exercise going around Facebook and thought it would be a good one to include in the HP...what are five things everybody seems to love and go crazy for that you personally don’t care for?
*editory note: I misread this question and had physical exercise in mind. I'm just going to go with it.2. I love Bodypump. I don't like Barre (makes me feel like a hippo ballerina).
3. I love walking fast. I don't like running (jogging, maybe...if it's a fast walk).
4. I love PiYo (both Pilates and Yoga). I don't like Yoga without an instructor.
5. I love working up a sweat housecleaning. I don't like that my Fitbit won't count that as exercise.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
Our fridge broke Easter morning. The whole day wasn't normal at all but it was good. Our pastor was faithful to preach God's Word to us and it spoke right to everything we were dealing with that day. The fridge probably won't be fixed until Friday at the earliest. I am thankful for saved college mini fridges in the basement. I am thankful for an upright freezer that was empty due to our delayed half cow delivery. I am thankful for friends who let us drop off our condiments to store in their fridge until further notice.Saturday, April 11, 2020
#AtoZ Challenge: H- Happy

Things that make me happy:
...praying with my Loverbrains, while standing on the stairs so my head fits perfectly on his shoulder...
...hugs from my boy, who is almost a teenager but still hugs me tightly each morning when he comes downstairs...
...drawing with my girl, who finds her words when she is drawing, and shows her soul when she is playing her horn...
...snuggles with our old dog, whose snores and grunts make me smile, who seems to know when I am sad and comes to offer me her belly rubs for comfort...
...creativity in technology, that makes seeing some loved ones possible, that makes checking on my peeps a reality, and that gives some community amid isolation...
...correspondence, happy mail from friends, sharing the joy of sending joy with my kiddos, stationary, pens, pencils...
...Springtime, lovely birds chirping with a relentless push for happiness, flowers and green popping out all over, showing that Creator God is in control of my days...
...Sewing, hoarding went to being prepared, 35 masks done, some time for other sewing, and sharing this skill with others...
...Music, playlists of Church Jams that restore my soul with God's Word, soaring melodies, gifted lyrics, so true...
...Reading, that allows me to escape for a while into another world, or teaches me things I need to know to move forward...
...Coffee, the process of French Press, the sound of the grinding beans, the sound of water simmering, the swoosh of the stopper, the smell of heaven...
#AtoZ Challenge: G-Good Grief

First, I became greatly overwhelmed by the master list associated with this challenge and I wasn't getting many comments back from those I commented on. So, I needed to re-evalutate my expectations and why I was doing this challenge and if I wanted to continue. So, I decided I will continue but I'm going to focus on exercising my writing muscles and using it for a personal outlet since I'm safely shut away from the rest of my community right now.
So, I asked a friend that I was Zoom teaching to sew masks, for another G word. She gave me Gargantuous which is good but all I could think of was Elephants or a really dark posts about our current situation which honestly I'm trying to spend less time thinking and writing about.
Then, I thought about writing on the prompt Grandma but that just made me super sad because both my Grandma's aren't doing very well right now and Covid is making it harder to care for them and it's a whole mess of memories that are not something I'm ready to write out for people to read just yet.
So, GOOD GRIEF...I'm done with G.
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Hodgepodge: Easter
1. How will you celebrate Easter this year?
This year we will worship with our church via streaming services. (I'm going save money on Easter outfits this year.) We will then gather via zoom and have a prayer meeting with our small group. We are going to pray for each other, for needs in our church, for our church leadership, for needs in our country, for our country's leadership, for needs in our world (especially those shared by our missionaries), and for our world leaders. These times of prayer are precious. Let me know in the comments if we can be praying for you in a specific way. We may go for a walk as a family if the weather is nice.
2. Is it easier for you to receive grace offered or extend grace to another? Explain.
It's easier for me to extend grace than to receive it. I'm usually very hard on myself and I often don't even see the grace that others are offering me. This is something that I have been working on and it is very humbling. I used to have a quote on the fridge that said, "I will hold myself to a standard of grace, not perfection."
3. Do you say grace before meals? If so do you have a standard dinnertime grace or is it more 'off the cuff' ? Do you say grace when dining out? Do you have a favorite grace? Any special memory associated with 'saying grace'?
We do pray before meals...they are as creative as the one praying chooses them to be. When the kids pray it's especially delightful. When they were little they used to thank God for what they saw around the room and we'd need to redirect them to thank God for the food and say amen. We do pray when dining out...nothing long or showy...but we want to thank God for our food, always.
4. What are some challenges you think the next generation will face? (Generation Alpha-born between 2011 and 2025)
They will probably be the first generation not to know a world without social networking and they will be incredibly tech savvy. I think this might cause them to face challenges in proper social interactions one on one and in personal relationships. Overall, I think they will encounter less human contact, because of how they'll need to deal with rampant viruses and because of the rise of online shopping. I think they may be challenged by the isolation this brings and will need to be diligent to keep their hearts and minds whole and healthy.
5. Share a favorite quote or lyric featuring the word faith.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
I have been trying the A to Z Challenge. I think I'm probably doing it wrong. I had my name added before the deadline and I've commented on about 10 blogs a day but have gotten maybe three comments from it. And I've commented back on those. Oh well...It's good for me to exercise my brain anyhow.
This year we will worship with our church via streaming services. (I'm going save money on Easter outfits this year.) We will then gather via zoom and have a prayer meeting with our small group. We are going to pray for each other, for needs in our church, for our church leadership, for needs in our country, for our country's leadership, for needs in our world (especially those shared by our missionaries), and for our world leaders. These times of prayer are precious. Let me know in the comments if we can be praying for you in a specific way. We may go for a walk as a family if the weather is nice.
2. Is it easier for you to receive grace offered or extend grace to another? Explain.
It's easier for me to extend grace than to receive it. I'm usually very hard on myself and I often don't even see the grace that others are offering me. This is something that I have been working on and it is very humbling. I used to have a quote on the fridge that said, "I will hold myself to a standard of grace, not perfection."
3. Do you say grace before meals? If so do you have a standard dinnertime grace or is it more 'off the cuff' ? Do you say grace when dining out? Do you have a favorite grace? Any special memory associated with 'saying grace'?
We do pray before meals...they are as creative as the one praying chooses them to be. When the kids pray it's especially delightful. When they were little they used to thank God for what they saw around the room and we'd need to redirect them to thank God for the food and say amen. We do pray when dining out...nothing long or showy...but we want to thank God for our food, always.
4. What are some challenges you think the next generation will face? (Generation Alpha-born between 2011 and 2025)
They will probably be the first generation not to know a world without social networking and they will be incredibly tech savvy. I think this might cause them to face challenges in proper social interactions one on one and in personal relationships. Overall, I think they will encounter less human contact, because of how they'll need to deal with rampant viruses and because of the rise of online shopping. I think they may be challenged by the isolation this brings and will need to be diligent to keep their hearts and minds whole and healthy.
5. Share a favorite quote or lyric featuring the word faith.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
I have been trying the A to Z Challenge. I think I'm probably doing it wrong. I had my name added before the deadline and I've commented on about 10 blogs a day but have gotten maybe three comments from it. And I've commented back on those. Oh well...It's good for me to exercise my brain anyhow.
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
#AtoZ Challenge: F- Fabulous

FABULOUS! First thing that comes to mind is the Phineas & Ferb episode. It's one of the few cartoons that we parent's enjoy as much as the kids. It's the one where they get the band 'Love Handle' back together for their parent's anniversary and the bass player's name is Bobby Fabulous. There's a whole song...
You're the one, yes, you're the star.
We need you back on bass guitar.
You're fabulous. (I'm fabulous!)
You're fabulous. (I'm fabulous!)
You're the one we all can see.
It's all about you. (It's all about me!)
You're fabulous. (I'm fabulous!)
You're fabulous. (I'm fabulous!)
I decided to include the lyrics for my fellow fans. I hate to sing alone. Now it's stuck in your head too, isn't it...mwahahaha! FABULOUS! You're welcome!
The other idea that comes to mind is a Gif I like to use with friends when I'm being silly and it's a guy in a light blue polyester suit throwing glitter up in the air with a neon sign that says FABULOUS. It's from a movie but the title escapes my brain at the moment.
I've been making masks, masks, and more masks. Mostly for close friends and family. I've decided to be very selective moving forward. After the President's announcement that no masks would be provided and "ask quilter's you know" I've been getting too many requests to be reasonable. I don't want to charge, which means I can't recoup costs, and I'm running out of materials. There are guilds going at this hard...many ladies who are staying safe inside and producing like factories. I am finding that supervising and facilitating remote school is time consuming and there seems to be more housework with everyone at home too. I also have groups that didn't end and decided to meet on zoom weekly instead of monthly. This means more reading and prep for me. So, the best yes was to my family and friends...which meant saying no to mask mass production. I make one or two a day, maybe...and I taught a few friends to sew them too. I made myself one and I looked FABULOUS. Gag! I most certainly did not...I think they all look creepy...and it makes me feel hot...but needs must at the grocery store.
I do think it's FABULOUS...
...this has caused me to grow in my heart towards prayer. I recognized that I'm usually such a busy, self-sufficient person that I have not often had to submit to the power of prayer. Any power to control and 'do' was an illusion anyway...God was always the one working things out for His glory. Now I pray more boldly...with more faith...for all that I can't control and know He does..."Because He bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath!!" Psalm 116:2
Also, FABULOUS, is how our small group and church have cared for each other. Ding dong drops of sanitized love. Grocery trips. Rent. and PRAYER...lots of it. I almost cry when I see their faces on Zoom each week. Ok, maybe I actually do...
Also, FABULOUS, is how our teachers have pioneered a virtual school system from scratch...working tirelessly to also care for those without internet access and keep feeding meals that schools usually provide. I'm so proud!!
Also, FABULOUS, is the virtual creativity...zoom youth groups (reverse charades is hilarious). We've figured out how to keep our game night going even with people in other time zones and countries now...and we've managed to keep Taco Tuesday with a dear friend too. I'm constantly thinking of ways to change games to fit virtual platform so if you think of any please share them with me in the comments.
It will be FABULOUS when this is over...and I'm going to hug the stuffing outta a lot of people, you've been warned...but for now...I am going to work to be faithful....not FABULOUS per se...just faithful.
#AtoZ Challenge: E- Elephant

Monday, April 6, 2020
#AtoZ Challenge: D- David & Defenestrate

Hilariously, I got two D words that I love and could go together but only if I throw a family member out the window. Bahaha. Hmmmmm....this one makes my little brain hurt. Here's a short story.
One day David 1 was walking very fast down the driveway. No one could keep up. They tried but generally just walked more slowly together as he sped into the distance. He was rushing to get the newspaper so he could separate the sections and rush back to finish the oatmeal for the breakfast table. Everyone else was enjoying the notion of retirement and mountain fresh air. And this year, David 1 beat us all to heaven...in his last days he couldn't walk without falling and his bass voice had fallen silent...I rejoice for the promises of heaven that mean he is now whole...walking super fast on those golden streets, his deep voice booming out in the heavenly choir.
One day David 2 was sitting in his study. He had an idea percolating for a sermon. He decided to go for a motorcycle ride to mull over the thought and get some fresh air. He thought about his sheep and more ideas came to him. He went home and made a perfect peanut butter and jelly sandwich...smooth, even layers of equal parts, evenly distributed to the edges. The precision of this exercise evoked teasing from his family but was all a part of how his brain worked to pick apart and even out details. He joked about his cancer and deliberately chose not to waste it or let it distract him from God's call on his life. He faithfully checked on the functional theology of his children and cared for his sweetheart with patience and joy. The sermon came together just how God wanted it too.
One day David 3 was driving in his truck. He was calmly driving in traffic that would curl most people's toenails. He was a good driver though undervalued as many blue collared workers are until there's a pandemic and people realize how their goods actually get to market. He listened to podcasts and occassionly talked to his sassy sister. Once, she went on a ride along, and he had to let her put her short little legs on his cooler so she wouldn't be bounced and defenestrated by bumps. They were both known for being hard to get off the phone, so you can imagine how they were on calls with each other. A quick phone call often took an hour minimum. Being so far apart in age, it was an incredible blessing to find a friendship as adults.
One day David 4 was playing with his sister's toy horses. He brought his green unicorn to be king of the stables. His sister, however, decided otherwise and the king was defenestrated when his fellow horses had a revolution and overthrew him, quite literally, across the room. This brought tears to sweet, Davy 4 and his Mama hugged him and made up a new, fun game with the overthrown green unicorn as the star of the show. And they all lived happily ever after.
#AtoZ Challenge: C- Calico

Remember, I did not choose these random words that lead to these random posts. I asked my FB friends to contribute and boy did they step up. This word seems nebulous, cute even, but it's proven more difficult than I anticipated. The kids wrote short entries about cats though I thought about fabric, of course. Calico can also describe a mixture. So, here's a stab at poetry because I'm behind.
my days are calico
a mixture of order and chaos
rest and spontaneous
my days are calico
ten more masks
sew sew
yet no time to sew blocks
my days are calico
comfort and snuggles
long hairs are
unibrow, mustache, roots
makeup reserved for
my days are calico
too close to closest
too far from
just right with God
my days are calico
Friday, April 3, 2020
#AtoZChallenge: B- Beneficial

In these unusual days, I have had to seriously consider what things are beneficial. I want to be focusing on things that are favorable and advantageous to living life well right now. I want to be using my time in a way that results in good.
This word makes me think of the Word. 1 Corinthians 10:23 says, "You say, “I am allowed to do anything”—but not everything is good for you. You say, “I am allowed to do anything”—but not everything is beneficial. Don’t be concerned for your own good but for the good of others."
Paul is repeating the great principle of Christian liberty, "All things are lawful for me," but continues to insist that when applying this we must also consider the effect which each action has upon ourselves, and its influence on the whole church.
When this all began, a mere month ago, my social media and internet habits were most certainly not beneficial. They were getting in the way of my devotional time, family time and messing with my mind and stealing my joy. Then the pandemic invaded...and reading the opinionated posts of others filled me with anger, discontentment and frustration. Ironically, I am myself very opinionated. So, there came a day of tears and general overwhelm where my sweet Loverbrains sat me down and told me this just wasn't beneficial...and I needed to develop boundaries that would be helpful and beneficial. Bigger still, I needed to seek to do this not simply because it had been destroying my joy but also because I am responsible for joy in my home for my husband and children and ultimately because it was displeasing the God I love.
Now, I could easily point the finger and go on a rant about all the things in the news and in social media that aren't beneficial. But, I am responsible for me. How can I think of ways to use my right to do anything (well anything not sinful) while still doing what is encouraging, edifying, and beneficial to myself and others. There are things that we can be doing as christians that are different liberties on obeying the current governmental rules. They are preferences. Telling other people why your preferences and point of view are better than theirs isn't beneficial.
So here are a few Beneficial Ideas I've come up with:
- Share only funny, light-hearted and inspirational things on social media...if I share at all.
- Spend time reading and praying for as many lists of people as I can think of...with a list especially for those I'm most inclined to be annoyed with.
- Discover new ways to use technology to bless others while they are shut in. We just had Techno Taco Tuesday with a friend, via zoom, and played Yahtzee afterward. Loverbrains is currently working on an online system that would allow us to play board games with our peeps, even the ones who've had to leave the country.
- Limit my news intake. Actually this wasn't even enough for me. I just let Loverbrains tell me if there's an update. He also found a super helpful site that gives lots of data and not any opinion.
- Exercise. It makes a huge difference.
Can you think of other beneficial things to do or say?
Thursday, April 2, 2020
#AtoZChallenge: A-Absolutely
In anticipation for this challenge, and because I also recognized I'd be supplementing my children's remote learning experience (note refusal to call this homeschooling), I utilized my Facebook followers to provide me with a word for each letter of the alphabet. True to form, they were momentarily distracted from their frenzied virus opinion polling, and provided me with more than 26 letters worth. And some doozies for words too. My kids will enjoy using these same words for journal entries on the off days when the schools are not providing instruction and I will use them here for random words. Pretty sure I did random words last time I attempted this challenge but it seems so long ago that I don't remember.
Do I wish I had more time to blog? Absolutely!
Did it take a pandemic to actually make this come to fruition? Absolutely!
I recognized early on that blogging would be more than just a way to share cute pictures of my kids for the grandparents. Having set aside my career to love and serve my family, it became apparent that I needed an outlet and way to process. This extrovert, she was absolutely not ok with preschool conversation and menial tasks. The writing was cathartic and absolutely helped me to process my thoughts and feelings and change my focus upward. (I am recognizing while I write this that I'm more inclined to use the word 'totally' than 'absolutely.' Totally, dude!)
And as the years progressed I especially used this to process what I was learning about God. It was a way to spell out in words what I believed about the Bible. I was recognizing a deep need among moms and friends for biblical counsel, discipleship and mentoring. I was also recognizing that there had to be a method for this madness. I knew I didn't want to be haphazardly slapping Scripture about so I began to pursue counseling certification. Slowly at first, then we moved and I had to restart, and now finally I am about at the cusp of starting the final phase of my training.
Am I excited? Absolutely! Am I nervous? Absolutely! Am I frustrated by this weird virus that has put my process on hold? Absolutely? Do I see God's hand of goodness in it all? Absolutely!
I am absolutely blessed with this time to restart this blog...which went to the back burner while I read and read and read and read and wrote and wrote and wrote elsewhere to help me learn and prepare. Am I ready to land this plane? Absolutely! Does God have things for me to learn in the waiting? Absolutely! Do I want to be a grateful, faithful, steward? Absolutely, totally, all in, 100%!
I recognize that initially my reaction to being stuck safe at home was to chafe at my lack of control. Then I decided I'd resign myself to making the best of it. That absolutely didn't work. God wasn't going to accept my half way attitude to what He had Sovereignly ordained for me. So, I decided to be 'all in' with this time...to focus on being the best wife, mom, teacher, friend, daughter, sister I can be...and I absolutely have a long ways to go! I am absolutely beyond grateful for the gift of technology that makes this much easier than it might have been. And I absolutely need to give myself and others tons of grace during this time!
Absolutely make a list of things you can be grateful for during this time! It will change your perspective completely. Absolutely limit your intake of social media and the news. If you must check it, read it instead of watching it, so you don't get the panic sound can create. Absolutely take this time to reevaluate your relationship with God. Do you have one? What might He be trying to tell you right now? What could you be learning? Don't waste any trial.
Am I here for you, Dear Void...Absolutely!
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Wednesday Hodgepodge: Spring has Sprung!
1. Has spring sprung in your part of the world? How can you tell? Did March come in like a lion where you live? Going out like a lamb or something more ferocious?
Spring has sprung here in Indiana...but it's been super cold, windy and gray. That might just be my mood though. The forsythia are blooming, the grass is greening up, and the birds are singing cheerfully. Hoping it goes out like a lamb. If I can't really go anywhere it'd be nice if I could at least go outside on the porch without freezing to death or getting wet or electrocuted.
2. The last thing that caused you to spring to your feet?
The Doorbell...Someone dropped off this candle.
3. Do you have a spring clean to-do list? What's one chore on the list you've already managed to accomplish? What spring clean chore do you most dread?
I used to have a spring clean to-do list but then I decided it was bondage. I had the kids help me do a pretty thorough house cleaning this past weekend. I dread dusting...therefore, I often don't. Hospitality keeps my house clean...so you can imagine the current temptation.
4. Tell us something you've learned about yourself or the wider world as a result of social distancing/the virus crisis.
I'm thankful for all the skills my Mama taught me. I can cook from scratch and with limited supplies. I can sew and my fabric stash went from 'hoarding' to 'being prepared.' I'm making masks for friends who are pharmacists. At least here in IN no in-store pharmacists are being given masks, even though they are being asked to test for the virus. A homemade fabric mask is certainly better than nothing. I like my family but don't like playing most games with just the four of us because my husband wins them all. Homeschooling would never be my choice but turns out I'm pretty good at it. Not a surprise...I do have an education degree after all.
5. Something you love that's the color pink?
The only thing that comes to mind are my pink pajama bottoms. Pink's not a favorite color of mine.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
I'm determined to not gain the quarantine 15. Started tracking exercise and calories with my fitbit again and I'm coming up with creative ways to exercise with my kids. Hoping to escape to a national park close by...since they're still open.
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