Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Recovering Hodgepodge

1. Are you currently operating at 100% capacity? If not, what % are you? What's keeping you there?
I am currently operating at about 60% because somehow I got pneumonia.  I've had it before...but think that I must be getting older because it's taking longer to get better this time.  I think I got it at a point when I was already exhausted and overextended.  Thankfully, my sweet Loverbrains takes good care of me (even when he's traveling) and makes me cancel everything and rest.  I can always tell that I'm getting better when the state of the house begins to bother me.
2.  Have you done your taxes? Planned/booked a summer holiday? Thought about or started your 'spring cleaning'? Besides what's listed here, tell us one task that needs doing before spring rolls around.
As this Spring approaches we are mapping out our landscaping.  When we moved here we realized we have a clean slate in this new neighborhood...and missed our old trees desperately.  However, with Loverbains back injury and surgery we scraped the whole plan and put it off until this year.  In the meantime, my Sweet Girl decided that she loves gardening and wants to try her hand at what we originally called a salsa garden but is already experiencing scope certain things she wants to grow don't go in salsa.  (I let Loverbrains and Turbo Tax do the taxes...and Spring cleaning always sounds nice in theory...not sure I ever really do it though.)
3. What's a favorite food from your part of the country?
Well, I'm kinda stumped on this one.  I live in a college town so you can get any nationality of food, especially Asian, here.  That's kinda special.  Coolest thing that happened to me this week was a new Chinese friends offering to teach me to make dumplings and spicy tofu!
4. This isn't a leap year, but let's run with it anyway...look before you leap, a leap of faith, grow by leaps and bounds, leap to conclusions, leap at the opportunity...which phrase might best be applied to your life currently (or recently)? Explain.
I'm going to go with "look before you leap"...I repeatedly notice my propensity not to do this...and know I need to consider decisions and how I use my time more an effort not to get crazy over extended.  Gotta create that margin!
5. As the month draws to a close list five fun and/or fabulous things (large or small) you noticed or experienced in February.
Ugh...but I don't like February...okay, okay...
1. Amid ice storm weather you can get a sweet little glimpse of 60 degree Springtime weather.
2. Sunshine can change your outlook...even cold sunshine.
3. Having friends visit always warms the heart.
4. Board games rock...especially Dominion...and puzzles.
5. Winter Olympics!
I know they're's February.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
It's nice to blog today.  Let's me know I'm getting better when my brain can handle this activity.  

Thursday, February 8, 2018

ThoughtFULL Thursday: Technology

Lately, I find myself thinking about technology and how it changes.  I'm not sure if life is passing me by or trying to run me over...isn't that how the joke goes?  

I have exchanged handwritten letters with a friend of mine for almost two decades.  Through college, marriage, children, moving...we've doggedly stuck to handwritten letters.  There is something special about it.  I can hold a part of her life in my hands...and her writing tells me if she's rushed or stressed...or if she's had to stop and care for a kiddo.  It does mean there have been lapses in our writing what with life's ups and downs.  It is a slow process...and we have emailed and called to line up annual get togethers but we always go back to newsy letters about our gardens, our families and our churches...and I love it.  It works because we are both ok with the time it takes...the patience required on both ends. 

There are days that I would like to go back to a time where people didn't demand/expect almost instant responses to emails and txts.  I'm all about being efficient and organized but yikes.  Especially now, being secretary of our HOA, I am amazed at the expectations for speed of responses from volunteers on this board of homeowners...and the sheer prideful nastiness.  So unpleasant.  People very much think it is their right to be responded to, NOW.  It is almost as if they think they're standing in front of you and you're ignoring them, as opposed to what it really is, a volunteer position where I check the email rarely and do the best I can, when I can!

And a tiny final note, while I'm up here on my soapbox...That technology that notifies you that your packages have arrived seems good...but for those of us trying to teach our children to send thank you notes...or heck, even thank you'd better be immediate in getting it done or you'll get a txt first that says, "did you get my gift?"  "do they like it"  SIGH...big sigh...this so frustrates me.  Please just give me a day to breath and let you know it came and say thank you...genuine thank you...not thank you based on being poked for a response.  I could go on but I'll just end the rant here.

But, the bottom line is that life is moving forward...and rather than getting run over I need to get with it.  I need to establish healthy boundaries for myself and my family...and recognize I can't make people happy.  I'm not coffee.

God calls me to be faithful...not perfect or amazing.  Isn't that freeing?

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

February Sunshine Hodgepodge

1. February can be a little bit tricky given the weather and the winter and the whatnot. I read a list (here) of things you can do to make your February brighter which included-start planning your next trip, take more baths, make your own chocolate covered strawberries, and exercise in preparation for swimsuit season. Anything on the list you might try? Which suggestion on the list appeals to you most? Tell us something not on the list that helps make your February brighter. 
Yay!  I can't wait to read all the suggestions for how to make February brighter.  It is a difficult month for me...I'm usually just grateful it's short.  We have already planned our summer family vacation.  We don't usually plan this early...and I have to say it does help!  I am working on exercising but it has nothing to do with swimsuit just helps me fight off the blue days...I feel circulation is seems better, too!  It is difficult for me to drink water during the winter but I find that when I do my thinking is clearer...and I'm less likely to slip into depressive stinkin' thinking'...Can't wait to read ya'lls suggestions!  Oh, wait, I thought of another...tangerine's like positive sunshine in a cup!
2. Tell us about something you've seen or done recently that you'd say was 'super'?
I went to a 'super' super bowl party.  I've been to many...and my not being a sports fan (at all) always makes this challenging.  This party was hosted beautifully...I felt comfortable knitting and playing Uno with my kids and... eating.  Our discussion and fellowship was really sweet...and I think it helped that everyone was routing for the same team...haha.  
3. Best thing you ate in a 'bowl' last week?
Spicy Beef Udon at the local Japanese restaurant.  I love living in a college town!  Amazing food and great people!  
4. Something you're 'cheering' for right now?
We have finally scheduled to have dear friends over for dinner Friday night.  The timing isn't's right before I get a house full of guests for our church's big conference but they are so dear that I am not worried only delighted that they can come!  My heart is cheering!  Yay yay yay!  It's like the calm before the storm.  (I am also excited about the just involves a weird and insanely busy schedule and a lot of work too).
5. The Winter Olympics begin Friday, February 9th in Pyeong Chang, South Korea. On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being all in and 1 being no interest whatsoever) how interested are you in the games? Which event do you most want to see (you'll find a list here).
10!  We purchased Hulu for the occasion.  Usually we only have Netflix.  Soooo excited.  Figure skating will be closely watched by the girls and bobsled/luge by the boys.  And we all like curling...we have no idea what's happening but we love it!
6. Insert your own random thought here.
Although driving in this morning's fresh snow was a bit of a scary was so beautiful....all the tree branches were coated with sparkle glitter.  

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Sew Saturday: Purple Quilt

I've been holding onto this beautiful purple/turquoise fabric for a few years.  I knew it would make a lovely baby girl quilt...but I usually only make quilts for first babies and generally those knowing they're having girls go with pink, pink and pink.  This time...cuz I'm sick of pink...I didn't even ask for the theme and just went for it.  This first time Mama is a bit older...this baby is much prayed for...and I know that she will love it.
Basically, I made a giant broken dishes block.  I love it!  Next week...the peg bear that goes with it!  Adorbs!