Monday, April 14, 2014

Monday Musings...

I love weird data, so I give you...America, Why are you naming  all your boys like this?...

You can actually vote on the Smithsonian photography contest finalists.  Cool!  Some really amazing photos!!  Timing is really key to some of these shots.  One of my favorites is the guy being bucked off the Bronco!

My husband thinks I'm an incredibly fast reader...I think this article by Washington Post, hits closer to the truth.  I'm an excellent skimmer...but am I missing out?

If I ever finish all the baby quilts I'm working on...sigh...and get time to sew something fun for myself...I'm going to make one of these.  I especially like the button for holding the bag!  Of course, I've recently been introduced to Teavana.  Sigh...amazing loose leaf teas!!

Loom with the ability to become almost anything...awesomeness!  I'm making these at Christmastime!!  Nativity loom banding...yes!

Have a great week ya'll!!

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