Just to clarify the context, this is Bobbi's husband, Darren, writing the blog today to wish her a Happy Mother's Day.
I thank the Lord for my wife and all the years that we've lived, grown, laughed and sometimes struggled together in marriage. She's been a great blessing in my life, my children's lives and in many other peoples lives. We're similar in many ways, but also different in some aspects. She's very outgoing and always loves to be around and talk with other people. She tends be charged by interaction with others, whereas I tend to be recharged by quiet time alone or just with her. But more than that, she has a genuine heart for people. Not that this excludes a vibrant heart for other things (i.e. God, learning, reading, etc.), but this characteristic always stands out with me. Whether it's because I see signs of it daily or because I know that I need to develop it more in my own life (or a combination of these), I'm not sure.
She is a faithful mother with a great heart for her children that overflows with love. Her joy for our children has few bounds, and she always uses her gifts in teaching, music, cooking, crafting, etc. to help them grow and learn. I can't help but smile as I see her use these gifts that God gave her to help our children grow in God, knowledge, love and character. Certainly there are trying times with the kids, but she always sees past these with great love for the greater purpose.
Even beyond this though, she has a great heart for all other people in her life. She has a caring spirit that is in the same vein as a mother's heart; faithful in prayer, faithful in caring, faithful in honesty, faithful in integrity and openness to keep a growing & good relationship going. I've seen the marks of these characteristics many times, and the determination to continue even though there may be temporary pain.
All in all, she's a wonderful wife, mother, woman, and encourager to me, our children and so many other people. So today my children & I say thankfully: HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY BOBBI! We love you very much!