So, we were thinking that we would like to use the celebration of Lent to teach our children about Jesus' sacrifice for our sins. We want to take an entire month to reflect...
...because, as the verse above points out...without His raising from the dead...what is our faith but vain preachings anyway?
I know many consider this un-protestant of us. But I love the words of Samuel Johnson,
“The Church does not superstitiously observe days, merely as days, but as memorials of important facts. Christmas might be kept as well upon one day of the year as another; but there should be a stated day for commemorating the birth of our Saviour, because there is danger that what may be done on any day, will be neglected.” I am trying to take every opportunity to instill in my children the great truths of Christ...his coming, his horrible death for our sins, and his wonderful resurrection from the he conquered death; What HOPE it brings! I want to hear my Savior say, "Well done." I don't want to neglect teaching anything.
Many consider Easter (ahem...Resurrection Sunday) as the cornerstone of the Christian faith...but most only spend one day (a long day...starting with a sunrise service) celebrating it. I encourage you to try Lent with us this year. I hope you will be blessed. Consider it a new teachable moment.
Janna at Mustard Seeds has been kind enough to share ideas and literature with me...I hope it benefits you too. We will be using Bread and Wine: Readings for Lent and Easter.
If you'd like to join in WFW today...head over to Critty Joy!
I think it's a wonderful idea, no matter what religion, because it's not about religion after all, is it?
I know that there will be some of every faith in heaven; because God is after our hearts. A concept which so many never fully grasp. I hope you'll post what you're learning, etc.
God bless you!
This is an excellent well thought out post and I agree wholeheartedly with you. We observed Lent for many years as Baptist. We've gotten away from it, but I wish we'd used the opportunity to teach our children the way you are doing. Blessings to you in this and a happy WFW!
Very pretty ~ Thank God He is raised and lives forevermore!
I think that this is a fabulous idea. What great thoughts to go with that verse.
I was thinking earlier as I received my first Lenten Devotional email that we often concentrate on the one day instead of taking time to reflect on the whole season.
I want to hear those words too! Thanks for a great post. ~
Wonderful verse and pic!
Yes I agree we need to celebrate..especially with children. I think I wrote in another blog that I heard on Christian radio that the passover lamb was not only perfect but was raised as a family pet, so that the children felt the pain of the sacrifice made on their behalf.
Celebration is bonding time and a reminder that God is gracious to us always. Join me for WFW.
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