Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Proverbs 31 Encouragement

I recently started doing my daily reading from a NASB (New American Standard Bible) and have been enjoying reading familiar passages in a new translation. It makes things that I have memorized before fresher somehow. I was reading over the Proverbs 31 lady today. Although I'm sure there are hundreds of studies on this passage, I thought I'd share my notes anyhew.

A Proverbs 31 lady is...

--An excellent wife vs. 10
--Noble vs. 29
--Strong vs. 17 and 25-emotional strength--physical strength
--Dignified vs. 25-makes me think of "don't dignify that with an answer" but sometimes my silliness isn't all that dignified.
--Well dressed vs. 22--maybe this could mean modest but I'm using it to remind me to not be a "shlumpa dinka" all day long. I need to get showered and dressed! Presentation might be important--but that aside I know that it does affect how I feel about myself.
--Smiles vs. 25
--Speaks wisdom vs. 26-think about the content of what I'm saying...blahblahblah.
--Teaches kindness vs. 26-"Emma, love the baby--awww, kiss your brother. That's nice."
--Fears the Lord vs. 30-Obviously, this should be in bold print! It is the hub of the issues we face to be women of excellence.
--Cares for her household
-clothes them vs. 21-do the laundry without complaining and count my blessings that I don't have to make the clothe and sew it together!
-good food vs. 14
-wise purchases vs. 16-not selfish junk that I don't really need.
--Cares for the needy
-from her own hand vs. 20
-her maidens vs. 15-I know it's a stretch of the text but I want to remember to support and encourage my sisters in Christ. Sometimes we forget to build each other up!
--Cares for her husband
-she "does a body good" vs. 11 and his heart trusts in her.
-he praises her vs. 28
--Hard Worker vs. 19
-the works of her hands are an ample reward vs. 31
-works hard with delight vs. 13
-sacrifices sleep for the benefit of her loved ones vs. 15 and 18---Wow! This is down my alley right now. I need to remember this when I feel particularly zombified!

I don't know how I ended up on this passage today. I haven't been following any particular study really. It was a good place to be because honestly, I've been feeling really down about "momE-ing" lately. It is hard work--hard work not just physically but emotionally! I deal with a frustrating two year old and demanding baby and often wonder whether I'm coming or going! I know I get too angry, I lose my patience (and my mind) from time to time. They sleep and I look at their little faces and kiss their downy cheeks and feel frustrated with myself. I'm so glad that God understands me--that He loves me--that He gave me Proverbs 31 as a sort of guide and encouragement. Although, I could easily say that I'll never meet up to this woman's standard of excellence I remember that it is God that I seek to glorify. He gave me these babies to raise. He gave me a wonderful leader. He gives me what I daily need! So, I'll press on!

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