My heart was black with sin (color black) until the Savior came in.
Smiles and love to you all!
A Jesus bleached heart, I love it! That Emma-bean, she's a smart one.
my post talks about his 'washing us' also
great post!
It's FUNNY how sometimes they just HIT you right in the heart...I JUST got done "laundering" football pants...the stains, the grass, the ground in dirt...
Amazing what a little bleach will do, leaving my little man to say, "Mom, how do you get them clean again??"
This was just wonderful! It's absolutely perfect...a Jesus bleached heart!
LOVE IT! You certainly spoke my language today girl!
And that is what it means to teach them in your each and every precious.
Wow! God is really blessing me through the verses today! Your blog looks nice Bobbi.
Thank you for this post, and please be sure to stop by Rena's blog as we stand for our sister in prayer.
Regarding "teaching them in our homes"...I feel that this is a mandate for all parents to raise your children in the "nurture and admonition of the Lord" REGARDLESS of your educational they home, private or PUBLIC.
Yes, I do! What a neat object lesson and teachable moment!
Enjoyed your post today. Great lesson for us all!
Linda J
Great blog, Schmoe!
Kids are great! It's one of God's blessings for us to watch them grow & learn! Thanks for sharing your joy & WFW with us all!
Hugs, HL
That is so sweet...
His precious blood (color red) I know has made me white as snow. (color white)
And in his word I'm told I'll walk the streets of gold. (color yellow)
To grow in Christ each day I'll read my Bible and pray. (color green)