Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Green Hodgepodge!

Source Pinterest
1. St. Patrick's Day will be celebrated this coming Saturday...what's a favorite article of clothing you own that contains a touch o' the green?
I have a cashmere spring green cardigan that's perfect...I wear it every year.
2. What's a favorite 'green space' in the town, state, or province where you live?
I've been enjoying the green springing up all around in my own yard. 
3. Do you wish you were taller, shorter, or think you're just about right in the height department?
I'm barely 5 foot...and although I have my moments where I wish I could reach things without a stool or assistance...I generally am happy with how God made me!
4. What's the surest way for someone to pick a fight with you?
Be critical of my children.
5. Broccoli-Spinach-String Beans-Peas...of the four, your favorite green veg? (Or the one you dislike the least if that first option's too hard. I just know there's some veggie haters out there.)
Broccoli...roasted in the oven with EVOO, garlic and a few shots of soy sauce.  YUMMO!  I like all the veggies though...just thought I'd say that!
6. March is National Women's History Month...besides friends, neighbors and the women you're related to, who's a woman in history you admire and why?
Ann Judson...I just attended a seminar at the woman's retreat on her amazing life.  Much of it was in her own words...from her numerous journals and letters.  What an amazing woman of God...the young wife of the first American missionary, Adoniram Judson.
7. Keep Calm and ____________on.
The funniest one I've seen is...KEEP CALM  Seriously?  IN THIS HOUSE?  I also like, Keep Calm and MAKE COFFEE...cuz well, coffee doesn't calm me down!!
8. Insert your own random thought here.
 I've been recuperating from illness...and my daffodils have been I thought I'd leave you all with the last stanza of William Wordsworth's poem,

For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.

William Wordsworth


April said...

Hope your feeling better! I'm short, too, and would love to be just a couple of inches taller. I'm now a follower of yours! Have a good one!

Marti said...

Great poem! Hope you start feeling better soon. It's nice when the green place you love is in your own yard.

Cherie said...

The iris (?) in your yard look lovely. Hope you are feeling better! Blessings.

Joyce said...

You and my daughter are the same height. She says she's 5' but she must have her chin tilted upward : )

Hope you're feeling better. I love the iris!

Barbara H. said...

What is EVOO?

Love those irises.

Hope you're feeling much better soon.