Monday, October 28, 2013

Morbid Much? Monday

I am teased by some for my tendency to be morbid. I think this is actually a result of my attempts to be more eternally focused. I want to settle now how I will respond to trials and death. So, on a beautiful Fall weekend I was struck by the beauty of death. All these trees are dying beautifully.

Well, to be fair some are dying beautifully. Others are crunchy and brown. In studying trees with my kids last year, I learned that often those trees that endure the edge of the frosty street or the pocket of misty air are the ones that turn the most vibrant colors.

So, as I morbidly ponder my life...and the approaching loss of loved ones that is inevitable...I just have to make an application...not for the sake of morbid, dark thinking...but in an effort to live with the right things in view. With my eyes on the PRIZE...the high calling of Jesus Christ. I will keep my eyes on HIM!

I desire to live to die...beautifully. Not settling for comfort...or groveling in bitterness...because that will just make me brown and crunchy.  Life can make you better...or bitter.  Instead, rejoicing in the lonely cold of trials and the misty air of times where I cannot see His plan clearly. Because...those things are His perfect way of making me more beautiful at the end.

And I suppose the neatest application of that in death I will live! I may be stripped bare...but Christ lives in me...and one day, I will live with Him eternally. Even so come Lord Jesus!

1 comment:

Pastor D said...

Some beautiful thoughts.

Death is an unpopular topic and it is often dismissed as morbid. But denying the reality of death isn't going to help anybody, is it?

And the point about eternal life with Christ is central. My fear of physical death will be proportional to my confidence in eternal life, won't it? I'm not exactly anxious to leave this life - but I am confident about what awaits me on the other side.