Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Tricky HodgePodge!!

1. What's something you're dealing with that might be described as tricky?
Being solo parent for over night or weeks is always a bit tricky.  I find myself wondering if I did something or just thought I did it.  Did I take out the trash...or was that last week?  Dang, I hate taking out the trash!

2.  What's your treat of choice?
Snickers Bars!!

3. Did you/will you carve a jack-o-lantern this month? Which real (living or dead) or fictional 'Jack' would you most like to meet in person? Why?
This year we modgepodged...see...HERE!

4.  In your opinion, what's the grossest sounding word in the English language?
Booger.  Vomit.  Now that's just what I was wanting to ponder to day Joyce, thanks!!

5. When did your heart last skip a beat?
A baby in my care choked the other heart stopped beating completely for a bit, I think.  He's fine now, praise the Lord.  Phew.  I think you probably meant in a lovey way...the cards from my Loverbrains and kids were super sweet for my bday this year.  My heart went pitter pat...that's close.

6. Monster Mash by Bobby 'Boris' Picket, Michael Jackson's Thriller, Werewolves of London by Warren Zevon, or Ray Parker Jr.'s Ghostbusters...your favorite 'scary' tune?
I like Monster Mash.  It's silly and funny to sing with the kids.

7.   It was a dark and stormy night when______________________________.
Bobbi freaked out and checked all the doors, windows, beds, and closets before going to bed.  Oh, wait...that's every night.  HAHAH!

8.  Insert your own random thought here.
Halloween is being moved to Friday night due to weather around here.  The kids will be bummed I think.  This Mom is just happy that I won't get soaking wet and don't have to worry about bedtime so much now that's it's Friday and not a school night.  Phew.


Nikki said...

Oh i didn't take that photo, its from our paper, The Press Democrat :) Mine didn't turn out either since it was so quick, though i had to save it for my parents to see since they were in Ireland.
Ah yes i love snickers but reeses are my #1!

Joyce said...

Oh my word-a baby choking would make my heart stop too. Glad he's okay!

Barbara H. said...

Mod podge may be a better, longer-lasting way to do pumpkins. The weather has been so moderate (which I LOVE) that the carved pumpkins spoiled pretty quickly this year. But one year my d-i-l painted one for my m-i-l's room, and it lasted for ages.

I still tend to check all the locks before going to bed at night even if I know I or someone else has already locked them.

Love the Monster Mash!