Friday, April 3, 2020

#AtoZChallenge: B- Beneficial

#AtoZChallenge 2020 Blogging from A to Z Challenge letter B

In these unusual days, I have had to seriously consider what things are beneficial.  I want to be focusing on things that are favorable and advantageous to living life well right now.  I want to be using my time in a way that results in good.

This word makes me think of the Word.  1 Corinthians 10:23 says, "You say, “I am allowed to do anything”—but not everything is good for you. You say, “I am allowed to do anything”—but not everything is beneficialDon’t be concerned for your own good but for the good of others."

Paul is repeating the great principle of Christian liberty, "All things are lawful for me," but continues to insist that when applying this we must also consider the effect which each action has upon ourselves, and  its influence on the whole church. 

When this all began, a mere month ago, my social media and internet habits were most certainly not beneficial.  They were getting in the way of my devotional time, family time and messing with my mind and stealing my joy.  Then the pandemic invaded...and reading the opinionated posts of others filled me with anger, discontentment and frustration.  Ironically, I am myself very opinionated.  So, there came a day of tears and general overwhelm where my sweet Loverbrains sat me down and told me this just wasn't beneficial...and I needed to develop boundaries that would be helpful and beneficial.  Bigger still, I needed to seek to do this not simply because it had been destroying my joy but also because I am responsible for joy in my home for my husband and children and ultimately because it was displeasing the God I love.  

Now, I could easily point the finger and go on a rant about all the things in the news and in social media that aren't beneficial. But, I am responsible for me.  How can I think of ways to use my right to do anything (well anything not sinful) while still doing what is encouraging, edifying, and beneficial to myself and others.  There are things that we can be doing as christians that are different liberties on obeying the current governmental rules.  They are preferences.  Telling other people why your preferences and point of view are better than theirs isn't beneficial.

So here are a few Beneficial Ideas I've come up with:
  • Share only funny, light-hearted and inspirational things on social media...if I share at all.
  • Spend time reading and praying for as many lists of people as I can think of...with a list especially for those I'm most inclined to be annoyed with.
  • Discover new ways to use technology to bless others while they are shut in. We just had Techno Taco Tuesday with a friend, via zoom, and played Yahtzee afterward.  Loverbrains is currently working on an online system that would allow us to play board games with our peeps, even the ones who've had to leave the country.
  • Limit my news intake. Actually this wasn't even enough for me.  I just let Loverbrains tell me if there's an update.  He also found a super helpful site that gives lots of data and not any opinion.  
  • Exercise.  It makes a huge difference.
Can you think of other beneficial things to do or say?

1 comment:

Joyce said...

Limiting news is most definitely beneficial to our well being. Stay well!