Thursday, March 11, 2010

Prayer...what it is & what it isn't...

"Prayer is a wartime walkie talkie, not a domestic intercom...
It is for advancing the mission, not calling the butler to turn up the thermostat."
~John Piper
Lately, I've been thinking a lot about my prayer life. I've finally been really committed to getting up early to make time for prayer...and then, I find myself all knotted up about how I'm praying. Journalling seems a "no brainer" cuz it insures I stay awake at that very early hour in the morning. Should I use ACTS (adoration, confession, thanksgiving, supplication) or PRAY (praise, repent, ask, yield)? If I spend too much time on any one thing...I'll never get done. I mean...really praising God can be endless...and repentance, oh my...once I get started...ewww!

Around the time I'm frustrated with the "process" issues...I'm reminded that the Bible says, "Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thes. 5:16-18 and I know that is true. If the kids wake before I'm done...I can pray throughout my day too. It's not like I'm cornered into a 60 minute conversation with God. Duh! Yet, I still want that time to be special. I mean, there isn't a lot of quiet, just me, time to offer.
Then, I read this...
"Until now you have asked for nothing in My name; ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be made full." John 16:24 So, what are the requirements for prayer? Being quiet and listening. Remembering it is a privilege. Most important, we must come identified with Christ. The unsaved might get a prayer answered...but we have full access! Next, we must pray in HIS name; remembering this is based on HIS merit, not mine. I have no entitlement. I am to humbly ask. Finally, we are to pray in line with Christ's character and objectives. HIS WILL! We need to see our circumstances through HIS eyes.

I feel soooo humbled. It's like a light-bulb went on. I vocally share disdain for the "name it, claim it" crew that use this verse to try to pigeon hole God into giving them what they desire. But how different am I really? Seeing things through God's eyes means NOT praying for an easy, healthy life...something I dwell on ALOT.

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:23

Our prayers are answered in proportion to how God's Word shapes our requests. Peace and trouble do not negate each other. I think there are people out there preaching that this says, "take heart and YOU will overcome the world." WRONG!!! GOD has overcome the world.

So, I'm working on a new approach...stopping and listening...and trying to see my circumstances through HIS eyes. I love the Piper quote at the top of this post...I briefly talked to my Dad about it...and he said, "We pray better when we are pressured more." I guess, I really should be praying for more pressure. Eeeek! Guess I should pray for courage too!

pictures courtesy of and


Karen said...

Love the quote and those awesome pictures...and what your dad said about prayer...and your thoughts...hey...I loved it all!

Kayren said...
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