Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Turtle Life!

I pray fervently for the hearts of my children to be transformed by God's mighty, saving grace.  Emma asked Jesus to be her Savior a while ago...and we do see small changes in her life.  My son... gives me heart palpitations in this department.  He's stubborn and knows that certain things mean a lot to me.  Sometimes, I'm sure, he says things just to get me going.  Such as, "I hate church"..."I don't want a clean heart" get the picture.  Please don't misunderstand...he's a sweet little four year old...but he's a little sinner...and an unrepentant one at this point.

When I picked him up from Bible study this week....He was happy at first, skipping to the car.  But, as we headed out to pick up his sister from Kindergarten, he grumbled..."I don't want a TURTLE LIFE....I'm fast...I want a rabbit life." At first, I was totally flummoxed...We've read Aesop's fables...but I didn't think they'd read those at Bible study...

Our lesson had been on Holiness and as I pondered how this could be in any way about turtles...I suddenly realized he meant...ETERNAL LIFE!!! 

I tried to's ETERNAL....not A TURTLE...

That means it has no beginning or last forever and ever and ever.  God is eternal.  The Bible is eternal.  If you know Jesus as your Savior you live forever as a part of God's family...ETERNALLY in heaven.  But, if you reject still live hell.  Because God is holy...he can't stand sin.

John 3:36, "Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God's wrath remains on him."


heather said...

awww how cute

Anonymous said...

Cute, but I'm glad you figured it out and could challenge him again. Praying for you and yours. I love you forever and back again! Love, Mom D.

Pastor D said...

I'm glad he is paying attention and thinking about these things. His inability to understand the abstract terminology is interesting.

He didn't know what "eternal" meant. Guess we need to be more careful what terms we use with four year olds... "Live forever?" "Live and not die?"

For him we might need to talk about getting dessert from God - oreos forever.