Thoughts on faith, fools and doormats...
"My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry," James 1:19
I'm sure I've mentioned in the past that James is "my book"...the whole first chapter in particular is an underlined area in my Bible! It deals with things I struggle mouth, anger, perseverance... The verse posted on my fridge right now...because it's a place I spend a lot of time...and it helps me in fits of frustration to see the reminder from God's Word. Cuz, well...I'll be honest...usually I find myself being the opposite...SLOW to listen, QUICK to speak, and VERY QUICK to become angry. awful!
I'm reading a book about respecting your husband...cuz those things sort of get in my way of doing that too...*sigh*...and they brought this verse up. And, as often happens, yet another facet of the verse struck me. I mean, I know the verse but...often I can temporarily swallow my anger of course generally seething on the inside. Attempting to wait and see what will happen...and listen a new one to me. I think all things should be in my selfish timing. So, *deep breath*...I'm going to trust God...and just keep quiet and see what happens. Doing that, even just more often than I do currently, would be a huge improvement!
Also, choosing to avoid an argument doesn't make me a doormat. I'd be a doormat if I allowed my opinion to be asked and then pummelled into dust. Trust's difficult to patiently withhold your opinion unless it's asked...or avoid upsetting others and arguing.
Proverbs 29:11, "A fool always loses his temper, But a wise man holds it back."
Phil. 2:14, "Do everything without complaining or arguing."
I struggle in these areas, too...I needed to read this today.....
James is a favorite of mine. Chatty likes it too. Go figure.
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