Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Paddle Along Hodgepodge Wednesday!

1. Have you learned more from success or failure? Explain.
I'm sort of betting that failure comes out on top with this question.  It seems that most people have to go to the "school of hard knocks" and very few learn from the great advice they are given.  I marvel at how God is the perfect parent...I'm especially struck by this on the days when I feel I'm royally screwing up as a parent...Makes me think of...Hebrews 11:9-11, "Furthermore, we had earthly fathers to discipline us, and we respected them; shall we not much rather be subject to the Father of spirits, and live? For they disciplined us for a short time as seemed best to them, but He disciplines us for our good, so that we may share His holiness. All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness."
2.  What did you call your grandparents when you were growing up? If you have children, what do they call your parents? If you have grandchildren, what do they call you?
For a short time, I called them manga and manka.  When I actually spoke clearly, I called them Grandma and Grandpa...distinguising them by last name...Sharp or Denny.  It is probably good to note that I also grew up calling everyone Mr/Mrs So and so.  Very proper.
3.  You're invited to a luau.  In keeping with that theme, what dish will you bring to share?
We have a luau every February at our church.  I usually bring a Caribbean pork roast...think pineapple and allspice.  We have a SPAM competition...which is a hoot and a half.  It's not as gross as some of you might be thinking.  I made a Spam pate on cucumber slices that was evidently so good that someone asked me for the recipe so they could take it to their company party.
4. Besides Jesus, what one person's life story do you think everyone should know about?
I think everyone should read the life story of a christian martyr....I thought Bonhoeffer was excellent but it's SUPER warned.
5. "Don't sweat the small stuff." Agree or Disagree? Why?
The older I get the more I agree.  When I'm old, my house is going to be very, very dirty...but it'll be super fun to hang out with me.  I'm mellowing ya'll.  Isn't that wonderful!?  Long gone are the days when I labeled the inside of my cupboards...hehehe. 
6.  June is National Rivers Month. When were you last on a river? What's the prettiest river you've ever seen? What's a river you'd like to see?
A few years ago Loverbrains and I took a half-versary trip and went canoeing on some river.  Of course, now I can't remember the name of it.  Very peaceful.  I grew up near the "wedding of the waters" in New York State...right where the Susquehanna, Delaware and other tributaries feed together in the heart of the Catskills.  I'd like to see that again...but it seems when we go for vacation we never want to take the extra hour to get there. 
7.  Speaking of rivers-paddling, fishing, swimming, or bird watching safely from the shore? Which activity would you choose? Yes-you have to choose.
Bird watching.  Yeah, that was easy!
8.  Insert your own random thought here.
My Loverbrains is flying home to me as I write this...woot woot! By the time you read this he should be landed and hugging me (and perhaps a few smaller sweet boobahs too!)
He's home...bearing gifts...yeah!!!


Joyce said...

Yay for husbands safely home! I'm glad you've got your teammate back : )

I like the idea of a Spam competition...I'm gonna remember that one. What do you do with it? Sculpt or prepare a dish?

Barbara H. said...

I make a spam casserole that's a comfort food for me. My mom made it and my kids love it. I also like to brown it and make sandwiches out of it.

I'm reading the Bonhoeffer book now, almost done. I don't see him as a martyr, though, as he was executed for being in on the conspiracy to kill Hitler rather than for his faith.

Beansieleigh said...

Spam?.. I haven't bought it in a while, but it was o.k. as I remember. I used to make grilled sandwiches with it... Glad to hear your husband is home! ~tina