Wednesday, October 13, 2010

WFW: Satisfied?

I've spent a lot of time this week focused on how unlike Isaiah I am.  I am a "detail oriented" kind of chica.  I want to obey God...but I want all the details FIRST.  I'd like to weigh out how much suffering will be involved, how much joy, how long, etc.  BEFORE I say, "Here Am I, Send Me!"  
I was struck this week, as I studied Isaiah 6, that after Isaiah recognized his sin and repented, he was purified...and then he immediately volunteered.  After he heard the difficult ministry he was called to...he asked for how long.  And even after the Lord told him basically "til the bitter end"...he STILL moved forward in obedience.  
I was thinking that Isaiah really had an intense respect for God.  He started out with a right view of his sin...which gave him intense appreciation for his atonement.  He had a BIG encounter with God...and it gave him a burning heart.  When God gets a hold of your heart it can only result in obedient service.  He trusted God...and knew all about him.  
So, now you're wondering how that all ties into my nifty graphic, right?  Well, addition to remembering all these things I needed to remember that I can and should be fully satisfied in God.  He provides for my every need!  Wherever He leads...He will supply!  In my Bible the little heading says, The Lord Delivers Men From Manifold Troubles...ain't it the truth!?  If you have a few minutes...go ahead and read all of Psalm 107.  Time in God's Word is well spent!


lori said... adds so much to hear 'your reflection' on these words. I've been spending a lot of time in Isaiah and I'm with you...can't wait to meet him one day. His faith and obedience are what I strive for! Satisfied with whatever God calls us to do...


Anonymous said...

wow the last part of your message, God has been telling that to me, I'm blessed to read your WFW. Thank you for sharing it.
