Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Over Easy Hodgepodge!


1.  Share one fun thing you did last week, while the Hodgepodge was on 'spring break'.
I went Letterboxing as a family!  I had never heard of's similar to geocaching but much more family friendly.  GREAT wholesome fun!  How many things can you say that about?

2.  April 10th is National Sibling you have siblings, and if so are you close? Share a favorite story featuring one or all of your siblings. If you don't have siblings, did you ever wish you did?
I have one baby brother...10 1/2 years younger than me!  He was incredible fun as a baby...I taught him his animal sounds and loved and delighted in him.  There was a period of time (his teen years) that I worried he'd be a pest forever...but I'm happy to say that we're friends now.  I'm especially thrilled with the sister he gave me by getting married this past June!! 

3. Is it important to you to 'buy American'? Why or why not? How much of an effort do you make to 'buy American'? If you're not American, insert your own country in the blank.
Not if it isn't a quality product.  

4. Besides The Bible, what book has impacted your spirituality in some way?
Embracing Obscurity by Anonymous
Changed Into His Image by Jim Berg
Trusting God by Jerry Bridges

5. April showers bring May flowers or so the saying goes.  Do you find rainy days calming or depressing?  When were you last caught in a rainstorm? What's blooming in your neck of the woods today?
I can enjoy a rainy day here or there...but weeks of rain can be depressing.  (I guess I should pray that God doesn't ever move us to Seattle.)  The last time I was caught in a storm was at the grocery store with both kids.  It was er, exciting!  I have lots of daffodils and hyacinths blooming right now.  The cherry and dogwood trees are blooming too!  Gorgeous Spring!!

6. What's your favorite yellow food?
Summer Squash...which in my family is called Squeaky Squash because of the squeak it makes on your teeth!  Yum!  Can't wait for summertime.  Remind me to share the recipe for zucchini combo.

7. April is National Poetry Month...what's a poem that holds special meaning for you, and why is it special?
After A Bath by Aileen Fisher
After my bath
I try, try, try
to wipe myself
till I'm dry, dry, dry.

Hands to wipe
and fingers and toes
and two wet legs
and a shiny nose.

Just think how much 
less time I'd take
if I were a dog
and could shake, shake, shake.

I think of this poem a lot when doing bathtime with my kids...because my Mom, who has a great memory for verse, used to say them.  There's also Before A Bath.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.
Well, I'm glad to report a happy ending to a stressful situation that none of ya'll knew about.  Our dog got a hold of some rat poison, brought into our yard by a squirrel.  It looks like she's going to be okay...after an overnight stay at the emergency vets and lots of $$$...I mean, TLC.  Phew!  Praise the Lord...who cares about all these crazy things.  Just a heads up...cuz I'd never considered it before...but rat poisons are pretty lethal...and rodents can carry them to other locations where pets and toddlers can get them.  Keep an eye out!


Stacy said...

Love that egg picture...too funny! And I am so glad your dog is going to be okay. Those furries sure get into our hearts and losing them is awful.

Hope your week is going great!

Nani said...

A little prayer of thanks from me too for your pup being okay! Our furbabies aren't blood-relatives, but thy sure are part of our families!

I like the bath-time poem! Wish I'd known it when my nieces were little but I'll definitely save it for the niece who says that one day I'll be a grandaunt. (The other one is not planning on motherhood right now.)

Barbara H. said...

I'm glad the doggie's ok. I never thought about rat poison being carried by animals to other places.

We don't have quite so many things blooming yet, but I am much enjoying what is. It would be hard for me to live in a real rainy climate, too.

That's a cute bath poem!

Joyce said...

Oh goodness-so glad your pup is okay!