Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Leftover Hodgepodge

1.  What's something blogging has taught you about yourself?

For me, blogging is cathartic
1. providing psychological relief through the open expression of strong emotions.
2. a medicine that causes the bowels to be purged.  
I guess it's a way to spill my guts.  HA!  It's good for me to write out my thoughts...especially as I'm normally inclined to say things I shouldn't.  Many times I write things I never post just to get the thoughts out and organized.  

2.  Leftovers...are you in the 'reheat and eat' camp or the 'put them in the fridge until they spoil and then toss them' camp? What's your favorite thing to have leftover? What can you not abide as a leftover?
We had potpie filling (peas, carrots, turkey, gravy) over biscuits using leftovers before we headed home from my parents' house.  The leftovers stayed with my family so I don't have to deal with them.  I do enjoy frying mashed potato cakes...sort of an easy latke.  I'm tempted to make mashed potatoes so I can do that...ha.

3. 'Me time'...your thoughts?
I think it's all too often an excuse for selfishness.  It sounds like a nice thing...but it's often a showing of discontent.  It makes me think of "You will know whether you have the heart of a servant by how you act when you're treated like one."  If you clamor for "me time"...then you're thinking of yourself. "Only two choices on the shelf...pleasing others, or pleasing self."  Now, before anyone yells at me...  I know that it's important to spend time alone and rejuvenate.  There's nothing inherently wrong with having "me time" and often you'll be a better wife, mom, etc. for that time alone.  But...usually... when I hear women talk about 'me time' they aren't simply mentioning a good stewardship of their time alone so they can steward their time with others better...they are usually complaining.

4. When people come to you for help, what do they usually want help with?
I have a few friends who come to me for advice when life is hard...because they know I will point them to the Truth of God's Word...gently but firmly.  Often, this is hard and not without risk to the friendship...but they don't want someone to whisper what they want to hear...and our friendships have actually been stronger for it.  They are generally people that I go to when life is hard because I know they will point me to Truth too.

5. If your childhood had a smell what would it be? Tell us why.
Lilacs...I used to play in huge lilac trees as a little girl for hours and hours.

6. Insert your own random thought here.
My re-entry schedule from Thanksgiving has been nutso.  My last counseling training class was Monday (9a-9p) and then I didn't stop moving yesterday and yet, still didn't get things in order.  I think maybe I don't multi-task as well as I used to...and I get distracted easily.  *squirrel*  I need to get out my little fridge printable that says..."I will live by a standard of grace, not perfection."  Beating myself up is getting old.  It is not living according to the standard God sets for I'm striving to please someone or thing, other than God, when I act that way.  


Betty W said...

Hello Bobbi! I totally agree with you on the "me time". My thoughts exactly.
I also do the "writing out my thoughts", but don't publish. Somehow it's gets me over that point of frustration, that I sometimes get.

Joyce said...

Writing is definitely cathartic, published OR unpublished. When I'm muddled on a topic I often write out my thoughts and they begin to make more sense. I haven't made latkes in ages, but I love them too.

Barbara H. said...

I agree about writing being cathartic, whether anyone sees it or not. I LOVE leftovers. They're my usual lunch - I love just heating and eating then without having to do or think too much about it. A lot of leftovers are better the next day. But there's one chicken and stuffing casserole that I love fresh but just don't like leftover. I eat leftover stuffing and gravy and turkey after Thanksgiving - but something about this casserole just doesn't do well the second time around.

Funny question about smells of childhood. After thinking about it for a minute, I think I'd say the sea. We lived on the coast of TX as I was growing up and spent a lot of time at the beach (of the Gulf of Mexico, so technically not the sea, but you know what I mean.) A lot of family gatherings were there. I don't really ache to get to a beach, especially with how crowded and undressed people are these days, but those times when I have, I've thought, "Ah - I've missed this."