Monday, January 27, 2014

Monday Musings...

I'm going to start by sharing a few Stray Thoughts from Barbara today...

By far the most balanced piece about Introverts and Extroverts in the church.  Thank you!!!

And the post by Kristen that made me think of Proverbs 14:1, "The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down"...Let Your Husband Love You...and her follow up after the nastiness that followed...That Time I Went Viral: A Clarification.

Then, at church I've been hearing a bit about Creeds so this post about Why Millennials Long for Liturgy was very interesting!

Here's one of those blogs I go to when I want to get away.  I love turquoise...HERE!

I have been fighting off a cold for a few weeks'll come up all achy, tired, stuffy...I'll slather on the essential oils and do the neti pot.  Then, I feel great for a day...and then go through the routine again.  SIGH!  I will win this fight...I will!

This winter has everyone surprised...even though we were told it was coming.  More snow than normal...and waaaay colder than normal.'s the prettiest winter I've seen in Indiana...EVER!!  Gorgeous sunrises and sunsets...glittering white snow...and a lot of gratitude for the blessings of a cozy home and sweet family.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As a severe introvert, I thought the article was interesting. I often feel guilty that I don't spread the gospel on a huge scale, sometimes for me, it's all I can do just to pray for my coworkers and ask my few friends how I can help them. I'm working on it, but man it's hard. It takes all that's in me just to make friends, which is why I really don't have any outside of the digital verity. (easier to disengage) Something to think about for sure. -gn