Monday, April 8, 2019

G- Growing

Lately, I've been mentoring young moms and college students.  Many, including myself, want to grow in their "daily walk" with God.  This means I get the delightful privilege of spending extra time in God's Word and researching/reviewing some really great resources with them.  Since this was something I needed to work on today...I thought I'd share some good resources on the subject of Growing in Godliness/ God's Promises.

I first came across a series by Tim Challies entitled 8 Rules for Growing in Godliness.  He writes 9 blogs...(one is the intro) flesh out the teachings of Thomas Watson.  I had never heard of these before: Trust the Means of Grace, Guard Against Worldliness, Think Holy Thoughts, Watch for Temptation, Ponder the Brevity of Life, Redeem Your Time, Fellowship with Godly People, and Purpose To Be Godly.  I am excited to read these with one dear girl in particular and work to put them  into action.

I also came across a great post on Desiring God...God's Great and Precious Promises.  It's one of those neat Look at the Book posts where Piper talks and marks up the Bible passages on the screen while he teaches it to you.  Makes me want to go out and get colored pencils and mark up my Bible.  

This article made me cry.  I read it after a really long week.  Resting Upon the Pillow of God's Promises.  An exercise that I should be more faithful to complete (and have encouraged many friends to do also)...especially when life is writing out how I've seen God's hand of goodness in my day.  

 Which Promises Are For Me?  I've been asked this question and I'm so grateful I came across this resource.  "Not many things are more comforting than a promise made and kept. And not many things are more hurtful than a promise broken. Knowing we worship a God who keeps his promises is a source of deep joy. But misapplied, this knowledge can also lead us to treasure-hunt Scripture for promises in problematic ways."  I love that this article ends with HOPE..."We are not promised certainty in our circumstances, but we are promised certainty in the God of our circumstances. And that is an anchor for the soul."

#AtoZChallenge 2019 Tenth Anniversary badge

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