Tuesday, April 23, 2019

T- Topped Off

I've been thinking a lot about something a friend said this week.  She said, "So often, I think I'll just "top off" me with God and call it good enough.  And that's really just so wrong.  I should be so full of God that there's no room for any of my selfish desires and pride."  Then, someone else in the discussion said her comment in reverse..."God "topped off" with me."  And the more I studied this week I realized how skewed all of us view this topic on most mundane days.    

We've been studying about Moses...and our discussion stemmed from a question regarding how the filling of the tabernacle with God's glory and presence affected Moses...and how we could apply that to our lives.  Well, Moses couldn't enter the tabernacle.  Which in a lot of ways surprised me...I mean, he just saw God pass and this is God's friend and the dude with the glowing and radiant face.  

But maybe, it wasn't about Moses anymore....it was a picture of what Jesus would do for all of us.  How He would pay for my sins and then the Holy Spirit would come...and tabernacle within us!  It has always been His desire to dwell with His people and for them to worship Him alone.

The truth is that when we are filled with the Spirit there is NO ROOM for our selfish desires.  It's not about me, or Moses, anymore.  It's all about worshipping God.  He is transcendent...way beyond our understanding.  But He is immanent...pleased to dwell near us, among us and to be our God.  

And then I thought, Wow...the Holy Spirit is the very presence of God, not merely a symbol of God.  He doesn't just hover over us in a cloud...He is with us...INDWELLING us!  At first, I was thinking I'd prefer a cloud to show me where to go...but God did not give me less...He gave more!  The Holy Spirit protects and guides me.  He helps me understand and obey what I read in God's Word.  

When God guides me it means there's a goal for the journey.  I start and stop and change my mind a thousand times (ask my husband!)  People disappoint me...and I disappoint them and myself.  God NEVER does!  He always finishes what He begins....and He will be faithful to complete the work of salvation in me and complete it!  (Phil 1:6)

Oh Lord, 
Thank you for your faithfulness.  Thank you for the Holy Spirit to help point me to repentance and to conform to the image of Christ.  Thank you for your protection and guidance.  Help me to daily focus on living in Christ alone.
#AtoZChallenge 2019 Tenth Anniversary badge

1 comment:

Red said...

Fantastic post. I grew up in a church very much more focused on the Father and Son. The Holy Spirit was celebrated at baptisms and in conjunction with the Holy Trinity, but not emphasized as much. I've learned in later years to have a heart for a THREE parts. I really enjoyed your take.
Found you through AtoZ.
Doesn't Speak Klingon