Friday, May 3, 2013

Five Minute Friday: BRAVE...

Five Minute Friday 

As I sit here and panic about whether I'm BRAVE enough to write on this topic...I'm quickly wasting my five minutes away.

It is easy to be brave from a safe distance.  ~Aesop.  I've always chuckled at this quote...and then thought about it's truthfulness.

I just spent the weekend telling the ladies in my church about sharing the gospel.  Nothing earth shatteringly new, I assure you...just the basics of what needs to be covered...and lots and lots of encouragement to be BRAVE! 

As I admitted to them...I could talk to anyone about anything...that does not take courage for extroverted little me.  Asking people to consider it for themselves...whether they have personal hope for an eternal future in heaven...THAT takes courage.  But, mostly because I have little FAITH...I forget the work is God's and not mine at all.

Perhaps, if I kept this more in mind...I'd see that the pressure is off...and that I only have to be faithful with what I share it in love...then I'd be BRAVE for Jesus.



Nikki said...

It's so easy to feel small and weak and afraid when we look at ourselves as we *imagine* others are looking at us...instead of seeing ourselves through Jesus' eyes.

Kel Rohlf said...

Bobbi- Thank you for taking the bold step to blog about this bravery of sharing our faith in reminds me to trust Him with the outcome and to boldly proclaim the good news!

Denise said...

Good post.

Unknown said...

I did the same thing before I wrote today's FMF post! It was a tough one for me to write...probably because I'm not a very brave person! ;)

BARBIE said...

Stopping over from the Five MInute Friday. I really loved this line, "and that I only have to be faithful with what I share it in love...then I'd be BRAVE for Jesus. " To be faithful and do what He's called us to do, that is bravery. Blessings!

Joyce said...

I do think it's easy to get caught up in 'us' and forget that God uses imperfect people all the time to do huge things.

Most women I know are brave : )