Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year...2018

In preparation for this New Year my Sweet Loverbrains and I went out on our anniversary (Dec. 21) and planned out 2018.  My husband calls it a fishbone graph or something-or-other.  

We usually have what I affectionately refer to as a weekly pow-wow...where we deal with several categories of things...Work, Church, Finances, Family, Parenting, Personal Growth, Home, Future Plans.  This is something relatively new for us...recommended to us by our pastor.  It has really helped with adjusting to Loverbrains new work job and travel schedule.  It keeps us from snipping at each other, being worried or missing things that are important.  Ya know, a much needed but basic communication improvement!  Ha.

So, we looked at those same areas and projected out the next year.  It was good to get on the same page and create goals for the 2018.  Since moving we agree we're much closer friends than ever before...and I'm grateful.  God is good.

I read a few articles that were good preparation for the New Year...
"Read mainly to strengthen your faith in, boost your hope in, increase your love for God.”
"The pace of technological change has surpassed anyone’s capacity to develop enough wisdom to handle it. We’re stuffing our lives with technology’s new promises, with no clear sense of whether technology will help us keep the promises we’ve already made."

1 comment:

Barbara H. said...

Belated happy anniversary! I had forgotten that we shared an anniversary date! We just celebrated 38 years. I very much enjoyed the How (Not) to Read article.