Saturday, April 23, 2011

Evangelism on Aisle 5!

Repost from Easter 2010

I hear a lot these days about the importance of being genuine. I like to remind myself that all the genuine truth I speak also needs to be done in love (Eph. 4:15 NIV).  I don’t know about you, but I long to be most genuine when it comes to my faith…my love for Jesus, my Savior!

I was musing recently that as a Domestic Engineer my mission field is perhaps small, but also rather specific. Mine goes something like this….neighbors, library, zoo, playground….grocery store!

Yes, I was thinking to myself that although I’m already one of the most friendly grocery shoppers I know….I’m not exactly fully genuine, ya know? I mean…I’ll smile at everyone and talk to anyone…about anything but I’m not sharing my most genuine, heart held LOVE with these strangers I meet each week!

Why not…well…cuz I tend to think of what could go wrong.
-they could embarrass me and pick on me…
-they could roll their eyes or swear at me…
-they could stick their tongue out at me….
…so the list is looking super lame! When I consider true persecution…um, yeah…really no excuses.  Seriously, if I can talk to them about toilet paper and tampons…surely I can share the awesome love of Jesus.

So, I took the plunge…and I want to share…not to toot my own horn but to encourage the other “tiny mission fielder ladies” out there…to think about WHAT COULD GO RIGHT!!!

This week, I was standing in the check out…chatting with my fellows in line and my cashier…and I said…

“See these Grands Biscuits? Yeah, they’re on sale…but I just have to tell you about this awesome idea for sharing the story of Easter with kids.”
*Okay…breathe…keep going….nothing scary happening yet*

“Yeah, you let the kids roll a big marshmallow in butter and cinnamon sugar and then seal the biscuit up around it…and then lay it pinched side down on a cookie sheet.”
*picture me using my coupon filled hands to demonstrate*

“And then when you bake them…the marshmallow melts…and the inside is empty…just like the tomb… HE IS RISEN!!! Because…it’s so important to me to remember that Jesus, not only died for our sins…but also rose again on the third day!”
*Phew…conversation is rolling…everyone is happy…yeah….inner high five!*

I just can’t tell you how wonderful it felt to really share my genuine heart for this season, my children and JESUS at the grocery store!! No, no one made a profession of faith right there in the WallyWorld check out…or even came to visit me at church (yet)…but I was fully genuine and shared something so much more important to me than milk or eggs… the love of Jesus! So, see?…focus on what could go RIGHT! Take those opportunities you’re given…to plant the seeds of truth around you.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 NIV Emphasis mine

Dear Precious, Heavenly Father,
Thank you for sending Your Son….to die for our sins….and to RISE and give us hope! Thank you for encouraging me to be zealous in my love for you…and my love for others. Please bless each one who realizes the unique mission field they’ve been given. Give them boldness and the gift to be fully genuine with Your Love! Use us to talk to everyone…the moms and cashiers and librarians out there…who desperately need a Savior!



Thanks for sharing your heart on this. I had a neighbor that I had been showing God's love to for about a year. She accepted Christ, because one day she was in the grocery store and yelling at her kids. A kind woman came up and put her arms around her and simply said . . . "You are going to be alright because Jesus loves you." It was the turning point.



annies home said...

Good for you God provided the opportunity to share and God Bless you for acting upon that

Lisa notes... said...

I am one of those who needs your encouragement because WAY too often I am quiet about what is nearest and dearest in my heart, and stay chatting instead on the chocolates I'm buying. May I get brave like you were!

ozjane said...

Go girl go. I believe it is the most natural sharing of our lives that works because we come across as real people sharing a real life.
When people started complaining about hot cross buns so soon after Christmas.....I pointed out the the baby from His first footsteps was on a path to the cross.

Another question I meant to ask this year was....why do they put the cross on buns...why not just stick to eggs. And why call it good Friday when it is such a seemingly sad tragic day.......I am keeping them in mind for next year. Hugs.