Thursday, April 14, 2011

{pretty, happy, funny, real}

~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life ~

My mini daffodils...just THAT much happier than the big ones in my front garden beds!
My children are happy travelers.  They were thrilled to try on sunglasses and dance to the sample CDs while we waited to watch the fish feeding at Bass Pro.  Entertainment on a dime.  What a happy day!

Those who know me know that I HATE squirrels.  Truthfully, I'm a little afraid of them.   Long story for another blog.  However, it was pretty hilarious when my children shrieked with glee to show me this squirrel that makes authentic squirrel noises.  Bass Pro has every stuffed, authentic noise animal you can imagine.  The kids thought they'd played a good joke on MomE.

I love listening to my Emmy think about God.  Here in the hotel we watch WAY more TV than at home...and I worry about it's nonsense-jabber...They were watching Dora and and Dora said, "Who do we ask when we have a problem and don't know which way to go?"  The answer is "The Map"...which Lubby loudly answered...Then Emmy sagely added, "But we have God...and He helps us when we have a problem and don't know which way to go!"  I praised her wise discernment!  Praise the Lord for how He is working in her little heart and mind.


priest's wife - S.T./ Anne Boyd said...

I love that your daughter is wiser than Dora! :)

no spring chicken said...

Ditto Priest's wife! And I love squirrels...

Blessings, Debbie

Nicole Stallworth said...

I love the stuff kids say like that--what consolation!

christinethecurious said...

Even TV can make for good conversation, glad you got to hear that

Mrs. Fordyce said...

Love your daughter's comment! What a sweetheart!

Barbara H. said...

I've only been in a Bass Pro Shop once, but wow, you could spend hours there.

I love how kids can entertain themselves so easily.

Love your daughter's comment, too! So neat when something like that pops out and you can see they're applying truth they know and it's sinking in.

Leila said...

Daffodils are so perky! Thanks for sharing your photos! XOXO

Joyce said...

I love the mini daffs too. And I'm not a big fan of squirrels either...they're just one step up from a rodent in my mind.

Have a great weekend!